Meaning Makers

A pathway to meaningful living and working.

Need a new start?

Facing a time of transition in your life or work?

Feeling stuck in a way of life that just doesn’t quite feel like ‘you’?

Wanting to make more of a difference in the world around you?

Need to feel more aligned with your values? 

Meaning Makers is a 12-week meaning-based online coaching program

"I recommend Meaning Makers to anyone who would like to explore and find their inner meaning, whether on the crossroads of making life-changing decisions or just want to bring more meaning into existing life." Jo, Meaning Makers Participant

  • Learn to create more meaning in your day to day.
  • Experience a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment.
  • Find clarity and strength to live more authentically and do what matters.
  • Express your hidden potential and enjoy using your talents.
  • Learn to avoid your thinking and behavioural patterns that undermine meaning.
  • Experience well-being, joy & fulfillment more often.
  • Take action to build the life and work you want.

What will I take away from Meaning Makers?

Understand Meaning

Understand your sources of meaning.

Discover a cycle of being and doing that generates well-being and fulfilment.

Maintain Meaning

Learn tools and practices you can apply in all aspects of life.

Know your meaning 'enablers'.

Set boundaries and avoid your meaning 'takers'.

Create Meaning

Set clear guiding intentions for the future.

Identify practical steps going forward.

Be free from the tyranny of 'shoulds' and unmet goals.


6 Steps towards more meaning in life and work

Program Structure

Join a group of 12 other Meaning Makers for 12 weeks.

We meet for 6 X 2 hour sessions on Zoom every other week.

Highly experiential online learning, supported by peers.

6 workbooks with self-guided assignments & creative exercises to deepen your learning between sessions.

Private online community group space to share ideas and questions with your co-learners.

30 minute private coaching session at the start of the program to set intentions.

90 minute private coaching session to create your Meaning Action Plan.


Different Ways of Learning

A Learning Community

A Learning Community

Meaning is personal. We discover our meaning from within. We also learn from listening to others talk about meaning and having others witness what's meaningful to us. Meaning Makers, are invited to respect Meaning Circle Principles to create a welcoming and safe space to explore meaning.

One-to-one coaching

One-to-One coaching

The one-on-one coaching is an opportunity to deepen personal insights, work through your challenges & dilemmas or move through ‘stuckness’. You will leave the session with clear guiding intentions for the future and feeling aligned in head, heart, body.

Creative Techniques

Creative Techniques

We offer a range of tools and exercises to suit different learning styles and support you in making use of your different ways of knowing: cognitive, emotional, intuitive, and embodied.

What are the benefits of Meaning Makers?

Create a practical action plan.

Feel more connection with yourself and others.

Express your potential & make a difference.

Tap into your inner motivation & feel grounded in reality.

Reduce stress and create more balance.

Focus on being as well as doing.

Trust your own wisdom.

Experience ‘flow’ states more often.

Recognise & change unhelpful behaviours and thought patterns.

Tap into your creative insight and intuition.

Focus on what matters most.


What people say about Meaning Makers.

"What you learn in the Meaning Makers are life tools that you can apply to just about anything."

Jen Prokopowicz, Talent & Engagement Manager, RED Global

"I recommend Meaning Makers to anyone who would like to explore and find their inner meaning, whether on the crossroads of making life-changing decisions or just want to bring more meaning into existing life. I gained a better understanding of different aspects which create meaning in my life and how important it is to balance them. I feel like I can now make decisions more consciously, which will bring me closer to life satisfaction and the true meaning in everyday life." Jo, Architect

"What I'm taking away from Meaning makers is a life plan, career plan and daily/weekly practices which will support me to have a more meaningful life." Paul - Health Sector Consultant

"Meaning Makers was an outstanding experience. I was looking for some clarity on how to make my work more motivating and how to plan my life after my children leave for college. I was able to see balance and satisfaction in several overlooked areas of my life, making me realize that there was much more meaning than I had realized. This is a great experience for anyone who needs a reset and a catalyst to starting on a new route in life." Desiree G - Lawyer

"If I had to point to a main takeaway from the course, it has to be the understanding of how to adapt inspiration to reality so that I don’t feel swamped trying to achieve the impossible and feel “inspired by inspiration” instead of demoralized by it." Miguel Batista, Biodiversity Data Manager, TVERC

"I loved the opportunity Meaning Makers presented to take time to understand my life, the cycles within it, and lessons from the past that could be used to inform my future and my new role." Marcia - Charity Leader, UK

Your Coach

Celine McKeown

Founder of Do What Matters

Board Director Map of Meaning International



Celine’s unique meaning-based coaching approach brings together life and career coaching, positive psychology, somatic coaching, self-mastery practices and creative techniques. She is a qualified professional coach and Map of Meaning Certified Practitioner. She has over 20 years' experience as coach, mentor, thought-partner and creative ally to individuals, leaders and organisations who want to make a positive impact on the world through their life and work.

“I help people rethink their definitions of what success looks like in today's complex modern world, so that they can find their life's work and live a happier, wiser and more meaningful life.” 


Contact Celine to find out more

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is meaning-based coaching? 

Meaning-based coaching helps you get clear on your direction and how to have a meaningful experience along the way. It helps you understand what matters to you now and in the future.

Meaning-based coaching takes a ‘whole person’ approach. It integrates life and work. It is both profound and practical. Not only will you take away a practical action-plan, you will also build the skills to create meaning everyday and become your own guide using the Map of Meaning.

Is Meaning Makers for me?

Meaning Makers is for anyone who wants to create more meaning in their life or work.

People who have benefited from meaning-based coaching are often:

  • Feeling stuck or in need of motivation
  • Facing a new challenge: new project, new job, new country
  • Leaving school or higher education
  • Facing changed personal circumstances
  • Going back to work after a long break
  • Stopping work and wondering what to do next

"This is a great experience for anyone who needs a reset and a catalyst to starting on a new route in life." Desiree G - Lawyer

Will Meaning Makers help me find my purpose?

Purpose is part of it, but not all of it. Why? Purpose is important because it gives us direction and motivation, but sometimes it is not enough on its own.

For example, we can be so focused on getting things done and moving towards our purpose that we forget who we are becoming in the process, or we burn out. Sometimes, life throws unexpected twists and challenges in our way and our purpose feels out of reach or unrealistic.

Other times, we finally reach that purpose, we ‘get that job’ or ‘make that move’ only to find that something is still missing. This is because we have not been paying attention to what truly gives us meaning in life.

I'm hesitant about joining a group program. Does it really work?

The program is intentionally designed to be experienced together in a group. We have found that the group dynamic creates a richer experience for the individual. Here's what other participants said about learning in a community.

"I really enjoyed the community aspect and to gain and give unbiased feedback to each other." Jen Prokopowicz, Talent & Engagement Manager, RED Global

"I wasn’t initially sure how working in a group would work because this is a very personal process, but the way it was organised and the fact that people were on the similar journey gave me a sense of a safe space to share, and we could find understanding and inspirations within each other." Jo, Architect 

"I loved Meaning makers because Celine ably led our course members, who were diverse and located from locations around the world. She is a very skilled facilitator creating a safe place for a range of activities and was very helpful as we grappled with the tensions of meaning in our own lives and careers. It was great to work with people from around the world and enjoy and experience their different perspectives on meaning." Paul - Health Sector Consultant

What happens if I can't make all the sessions?

We know that 'life happens' and that sometimes, despite our best intentions we can't be where we planned to be. If you already know prior to signing up that you are likely to miss a session or more, we recommend that you sign up to another Meaning Makers program where the dates/ times fit better with your schedule and existing commitments.

What if the timing of the Zoom sessions doesn't work for me?

We aim to offer the sessions at a time that allows people from different time zones to participate. However, for some this may still not be a feasible or practical time. If you are interested in participating in Meaning Makers but the times of currently advertised programs don't work, then get in touch and we will look to schedule more programs. 

How much does it cost?

£600. This includes:

  • 6 X 2 hour live online sessions

  • 6 workbooks with guided exercises
  • A 30 minute one-to-one coaching session before session 1
  • A 90 minute one-to-one coaching session later in the program

What if I am on a low income?

Bursaries are available on application. Please contact Celine.

So, if you...

Are searching for ways to make your life or work as meaningful as possible,

Want to pause, take stock and realign your life with your real values,

Are ready to build your Meaning Action Plan and new skills for life...

Meaning Makers is for you!

 book your place


Meaning Makers is a collaboration between 

If you have any questions contact