Malcolm Byford
Malcolm developed the use of the Map for providing performance appraisals and currently working on its use for meaningful ageing.
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Malcolm has 37 years’ experience working in the area of social services after an initial 8 years working as an agricultural scientist.
He was introduced to the Map in 2006 when he was introduced to Lani Morris. Since that time he has been exposed the progressive iterations of the Map and developed its use as a model for completing performance appraisals for his staff. Currently, along with others, he is exploring the use of the Map for its use in area of meaningful ageing.
Malcolm and Barbara, his wife, live in their new home in the small town, Otane, in the Central Hawkes Bay of the North Island of New Zealand. Together they have four daughters and 12 grandchildren.
His work in the last 20 years has been mainly in the area of family violence as a facilitator, manager and, on a broader scale, working with others to develop a system that provides a more integrated response to the issue. He resigned from this work in July 2019 to explore what next for a man of 70 years with experience to share, an interest in continuing to learn and an ongoing fascination with the mystery we call life.
M Agr Sci (Massey)