Gianni Zappalà
Educator, Facilitator and Social Impact expert, applying the Map of Meaning to program design, evaluation & SQ-based training.
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Gianni is Professional Fellow at the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion at University of Technology Sydney and Principal of Orfeus SQ, a niche advisory service that applies Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) - informed frameworks to program design, evaluation and workshop facilitation. He pioneered the use of Meaningful Evaluation, which combines the Map of Meaning (MoM) with insights from next generation evaluation to provide a holistic and systemic approach to understanding and assessing a program’s outcomes and impact. Gianni is an accomplished and engaging educator, facilitator and social impact expert with over thirty years experience in the University, commercial, Government and For Purpose sectors.
His academic work has involved developing and teaching graduate courses in Corporate Responsibility, Demonstrating Social Impact, and Spiritual-based Leadership at the Centre for Social Impact at the UNSW and he has published on a wide range of social and economic policy issues. Through his evaluation work he has assisted hundreds of organisations to better understand their Theory of Change and demonstrate their social impact.
He has held teaching, research and policy positions at the Universities of Sydney, Cambridge, Wollongong, the ANU, UNSW, Parliament House Canberra, NSW Government agencies and The Smith Family.
BEc (Hons) (Syd); MA (Lond); PhD (Camb)