Celine McKeown
“Be yourself. Do what matters” Celine is a coach, facilitator, consultant and creative ally for people, teams and organisations exploring a meaning-centred approach to life, work and workplace.
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Celine works with purpose-driven people and organisations to inspire and co-create more meaningful, responsible and creative workplaces and livelihoods.
As a qualified coach, leadership and organisation consultant and trainer she brings together different approaches, tools and methods from the fields of personal transformation, creative thinking, brand strategy, sustainability practice, authentic leadership, social enterprise, executive coaching and systems thinking.
An early pioneer with the Map of Meaning, Celine has developed many applications for the Map of Meaning in coaching, team coaching and leadership development.
Celine brings her passion about building meaning-based organisations and over 20 years experience with organisations spanning the private, public and not for profit sectors including Accenture, Boots, BSkyB, Breast Cancer Care, the Home Office, Greenpeace International, Jeans for Genes, Macmillan, Mars, Philips, RISE, UNICEF and Vodafone.