Free Webinar Series - Third Seminar

  • Monday 17 February 2025
  • 8:00 am - 9:30 pm
  • (GMT+12:00) Auckland

Meaningfulness in an unsettled world.

With Professor Marjo Lips-Wiersma

We live in an extraordinary time where three versions of reality play out concurrently: the great turning, business as usual and the great unravelling (Joanna Macy). When we understand these three stories of our time, we can make better decisions about how to live meaningfully.  In the first webinar we looked at the great unravelling and how to experience meaning when things around us fall apart. In the second we looked at what has become ‘usual and normal’ and how this can be distracting as well as life affirming. In the third webinar we will address how the central  adventure of our time offers many opportunities for humanity to experience life as much more meaningful. Living and working meaningfully has many health, wellbeing and commitment benefits. But it is not a simple one-off choice: throughout all three webinars we use the Map of Meaning® to make meaning visible and doable.

Marjo Lips-Wiersma (PhD) is Professor of Sustainability and Ethics Leadership in the business school. She has successfully taught sustainability since 2008 as a compulsory part of bachelor, master’s and MBA degrees. She researches how (un) sustainability influences our sense of meaningfulness, and the impact of this on our wellbeing, our desire for immediate small scale action and our involvement in systems change for a thriving society and planet.


MON 17 February 2024 8.30 pm NZT
United Kingdom 7.30am
Europe 8.30am
Sydney/Melb 6.30 pm, Brisbane 5.30pm, Perth 3.00pm
South Africa 9.30am


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FREE WEBINAR ONE HOUR MON 17 February 2025 8.30 pm NZT/ UK 7.30am/ Europe 8.30am/ Sydney/Melb 6.30 pm/ Brisbane 5.30pm/ Perth 3.00pm/ South Africa 9.30am

